You can  join us as a guest at one of our monthly, except for the summer.  ZOOM meetings.  The schedule is here.  UPCOMING  MEETINGS Or, become a TPC Facebook friend to stay connected!

JOIN the Toronto Postcard Club


TPC members receive our 24-page magazine, ‘CARD TALK’  via the postal service 3 times a year (April, August and November) It’s full of interesting articles contributed by members about postcards and the stories they tell. In addition, our members’ only archive has twenty years of CardTalk issues available to read in a ‘flip-book’ format.  As an example, have a look at  CardTalk Winter 2017.  

Our Member Roster has members’ contact information and a listing of their collecting interests.  We have club meetings via Zoom from September through June to share  postcard stories, insights and knowledge.


Canadian address – CAD $22.00
United States address – CAD $34.00
Outside North America – CAD $35.00

You may pay from Canada using INTERAC E-Transfer. Details on the form. For all addresses we accept  $CAD and $US CHEQUES or MONEY ORDERS.

P.O. Box 47538, Don Mills
Don Mills, ON M3C 3S7

Questions? to info @ torontopostcardclub.com

spending my last penny ...

‘CARD MART’  is an advertising section appearing in each of the three editions. Distribution is approximately 250 copies to members of the club. Advertisements must be received at least 6 weeks prior to publication, preferably sized to the advertising space. 

Card Mart Rates (page size 8-1/2″ x 11″)
LARGE (about 1/2 page) $30.00 for one insertion, CAD $27.00 each for three insertions
MEDIUM (about 1/4 page) $15.00 for one insertion, CAD $12.50 each for three insertions
SMALL (about 1/8 page) $ 7.50 for one insertion, CAD  $6.25 each for three insertions

Questions? to info @ torontopostcardclub.com




  1. Is there a complete list of cards from Albertype for Landahls in Dawson City? I live in the Yukon, a avid early Yukon collector. I have 57. Thanks, Dave

    • Card Talk Editor

      Yes, Ken Elder’s “A History and Directory of Yukon Postcards 1897-1942” is an extremely thorough guide to Yukon postcards, including Landahl’s (57 is an impressive number – you should join the TPC!) The book is available from Mike Smith Books.

  2. That’s fun! Ah yes, the misprint or print error. They do exist; things like a wrong trim, colour register errors and incorrect spelling or titles that don’t match the view. eBay has almost 100 offerings of this type at the moment. By the way, we call those waterfall foldout views a postcard ‘folder’. Not to be confused with a booklet which is several postcards attached together, usually on the left side, and often perforated to facilitate being torn out to use.

  3. Years ago, I used to be an avid collector, and a member of the TPC. On the occassion of the 10th Anniversary of the Toronto Post Card Club in 1977 I produced a video dedicated to the activities of our club. Some of you may have a copy of this CD.

    I want to invite you to view it on YouTube, where is appears under the heading The Toronto Post Card Club, 10th Anniversary. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkxbSuWAmPQ&feature=related
    There are 6 segments posted there, and you will see most of our old club founding members there. I am releasing it in commemoration of our past president Wilf Cowin.

    Please come & reminisce.
    Slava Tsvetkov

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