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info at torontopostcardclub.com
membership at torontopostcardclub.com
editor at torontopostcardclub.com
tpcannualshow at torontopostcardclub.com
webmaster at torontopostcardclub.com

P.O. Box 47538, Don Mills
Don Mills, ON M3C 3S7


  1. Are we able to donate postcards to your club?

    • We always try to find a home for vintage postcards among our membership or at postcard shows. Our mailing address can be found on the ‘Contact’ page of this website.

      • Hello – I started my collection of ww1 postcards depicting Sikh and Indian soldiers. Since I’m new to this my research is primarily on eBay. Can you direct me to other areas where I can find such postcards ? Happy to discuss via phone as well. Thanks Raveen

        • Other postcard internet sellers can be found at hippostcard.com and delcampe.net. Also a suggestion that as I believe that Indian soldiers were more aligned with Britain that the European versions of the above and EBay.co.uk might be better resources for you.

  2. Hello:
    Would everyone please watch for a postcard of The Old Homestead Harwood Rice Lake. This tourist camp will be in our family next year for 100 years. There were only 2 views of the camp printed. Many tourist came here from Ohio, Michigan and New York. I can be reached at olddhomestead1@gmail.com. Thanks.

  3. Hello! I have been trying to find out about the Published by “Ballantine Bros.” Toronto Canada, postcards. I have 15 cards published by them but can not find any information like around what year they are. I would take a guess at about 1910 but I am interested in finding out more history of them. Thank you if anyone has any information.

    • A Google search of ‘Ballantine Bros Toronto’ brought a Toronto Reference Library result showing some of these cards in their postcard collection They suggest 1910 as the date of the view. A similar view of the Bond Street Church by Valentine & Sons is also in their collection. I would suggest that as ‘white border’ postcards, that the Ballantine Bros. cards were later reprints of the Valentine views which we know to have been published in the postcard Golden Age. On EBay you can see a back view and that these cards were printed by a USA printer. Perhaps Ballantine Bros. was merely a merchant who contracted their printing.

  4. I recently acquired 10 RPPC postcards of Hamilton, ON. They measure approximately 1 1/4″ x 5 1/2″. Three of them were mailed in 1910. The cards were published by Rumsey & CO., Toronto, ON. On the address side, it says (imprime) Book Post Card.
    Question: What are these cards called?. I checked eBay and googled the size but came up empty handed

    • From metropostcard.com, a comprehensive web-site on things postcard, this description from their glossary section: Bookmark Cards (Book Post Cards) A bookmark card is a novelty postcard that was manufactured for use as a bookmark rather than mailing, even though it could be mailed. These types of cards were largely printed in England between 1903 and 1904, with some being printed in Canada about 1910. Their most common size is 5 1/4 by 1 3/4 inches. They are also referred to as panel cards.

  5. I just recently came across a postcard of Heather Lodge in Muskoka with me in the picture and description. It was produced by the Canadian post card Company. 1954. Are there any archives of this company?

  6. I am looking for information on O.E. Co., Canada (Ontario Engraving Company). I have seen the listings you have done for other postcard publishers and wondered if there is info on this company and what they printed.
    Thank you.

    • As found in a Google search that turned up the “Industrial Canada” Journal. Aug. 1908, seems they were a Hamilton, Ontario printer. Specialists in Illustrating, BurLDiNGS, Machinery, Stovks, by Half-Tone, Wood and Zinc. Permit us to quote you.
      ONTARIO ENGRAVING COMPANY, Hamilton, Canada.

      Our colleagues at the Golden Horseshoe Postcard Club may have some more information.

    • Good afternoon Pat;
      I have been doing quite a bit of research on the Ontario Engraving Co. of Hamilton and have a lot of images and some information…. but not a lot of detail is available in the Hamilton Archives. The company went by more than one name and used various logos. I have numerous cards that they did of Hamilton and a couple from Port Dalhousie in the Niagara area. Their main business was illustrated engraving for businesses in the Hamilton area as well as several promotional books for the City of Hamilton. Their owner, Mr. McCullogh was the founder of the Canadian Club and far more information is known about that. Feel free to contact me if you wish to discuss the company some more.
      Jon Soyka,President, Golden Horseshoe Post Card Club
      Hamilton 905-388-5840

  7. Was wanting to know if a post card that my father in- law had of Prime Minster Winston Churchill is a collectors item? It is in excellent shape. How would I find out? There is no hand writing on the back. On the back it says Published by permission of the Prime Minster. by the Photochrom Co. Ltd. London & Tunbridge Wells.

    • Of course to a postcard collector just about any postcard has value! Even if it’s ‘new’, the stamps often appeal to beginning philatelists. We hear that seniors’ residences are using the views for cognitive therapy too. Often a way to see how others value a certain types of postcard is to look on Ebay. When I searched for ‘Photochrom Co. Ltd. London & Tunbridge Wells’, there are quite a few for sale from around $3.00 to under $10.00. As for Sir Winston, a postcard with his likeness also seems to sell in that range. Perhaps giving this postcard to some sort of history related organization would be a place for it? or a history teacher at a school.

  8. Is there a general brief history of the CANADIAN POST CARD COMPANY LTD. TORONTO?


    Russ Wunker

  9. Howdy, from May (Brown County), Texas, USA – I went to an Estate Auction this week (7/17/18)- a widow’s estate who lived in Brownwood, Texas – She had been a Baptist Missionary and died at 104 years of age. I bought a box of “junk”, mainly for a pretty antique bowl I wanted. However, it came with a bunch of old postcards. Some were written on and some have never been used. I would like to mail these to your Club with the hopes that someone there will be able to organize and keep these old post cards – some are really old – some may be good for your auctions/fundraiser. I have done some searching online and I don’t know of any Post Card Collectors here in Texas – there might be some, but they don’t pop up, so I’m sending these your way – some may be valuable — I don’t know, but I’d rather see someone benefit or enjoy these cards rather than just throw them away. Thank you for helping to keep the memory of old times, historical buildings and old places alive thru these post cards. With Kindest Regards, Valerie Kelton, May, TX

    • Thanks for the offer, Valerie, but if the subject matter of the postcards is American they are really better to stay in the USA. Here is a list of postcard clubs in the USA and other. I suggest that you connect with some of these which are representative of the subject matter. If the cards are Canadian, by all means we will find them a home. Our mailing address in on our ‘contact’ page.

  10. Hello, I am looking for postcards of Quebec … of the following cities Beauharnois, Melocheville, St-Timothée, Valleyfield and all the maps of the photographer Élie Gendron..I pay $ 100 for Melocheville cards with black band signed Élie Gendron or E.G and $ 35 and up for Beauharnois cards by Élie Gendron or E.G..thanks you!

  11. I have 23 of the 24 original series set no. 2 “Representative Canadian Railway Type Post Cards. I am missing J.McGarvey freight conductor, toronto in the original packaging.

    I would like to know the value of these.

    • You are probably referring to “The Canadian Pacific Railway Employee Sketches” by artist Kathleen Shackleton. In a recent Club auction we sold several at about $10. per postcard. To a railway enthusiast, a complete set might be worth a premium for the complete set.

  12. Hello. I recently discovered an album full of old postcards. The problem is the album is one of those horrible ‘magnetic page’ albums so popular in the 1970s. Is there a safe way to remove the cards from the album as they are stuck very firmly? Thanks in Advance

  13. I am a view Pioneer post card and folder collector. 1) Does anyone have any info or images of a Wirths Folder (1898) made of a Canadian City? Wirths Folders were made in the USA (1898-1903) and a 1956 book says that some Canadian examples exist.
    2) any info on which Canadian (Toronto?)printer printed the Epworth or Victorian Expo Postcards of 1897? Thanks

  14. Hello,

    My late father … was born in Toronto in 1917. Among his papers is a postcard, made in Canada, where the picture is a black and white photo of a young boy, about 4 years old. He certainly resembles my father as a boy, but nothing is printed on the postcard that it is my father. Was it a practice in those days to have a postcard made of one’s children? Or perhaps my grandparents were struck by the picture’s likeness to their little son. Is there a website where I could search postcards of children? Can you help? Thank you.

    • Hi Lorraine. Thanks for the question. It was indeed a common practice to have postcards made in this way. Most photography studios offered postcard prints and there would also be itinerant photographers who would produce “real photo” portrait postcards at fairs or at the beach or anywhere that people congregated. Countless millions of postcards of this type would have been produced worldwide between 1900 and about 1930, after which time the practice became rarer as people increasingly tended to take their own family photos rather than rely on professional photographers. If the image on the postcard looks like your father as a boy, it very probably is just that.

      • Hi,

        I just saw on internet a photo from 1910 from Canadian Post Card Co., Toronto.
        It is photo of harvesting corn. Corn size of 6 feet and diameter of around 2 feet. It is a photo of a Tartarian people. Do you have any tip how to find more of those photos.

        • We call this type of postcard an ‘exaggeration’. There are many different views with the common element a very large subject that otherwise would not be so big. If you look at internet postcard sellers, EBay for example, you may find more that appeal to you. They may or may not have ‘Tartarians’ in the view.

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