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Postcard Publisher Checklists

Several years ago, Toronto Postcard Club members started a list of postcards of significant publishers of Canadian postcard views: Valentine & Sons and Warwick Bros. & Rutter. Below are the links to those lists, as well as to a shorter list of Detroit Photo cards. About the lists … the Valentine list has been ‘filtered’. Click the arrow button to open the menu of categories within a column. If you are unfamiliar with how to use Microsoft Excel Autofilter, a Google search using these words will provide several how to references. The ‘all’ choice in each column will reset the list to remove the filters.

If you have a postcard that belongs on one of these lists, but isn’t there (or is listed with details that seem different than those that appear on your card) let us know. The best way is to email us at info at torontopostcardclub.com. We require the manufacturer name, postcard number (usually on the view side), the title as written on the postcard and if posted, the date of use. If possible, please attach images of both sides of your postcard to your email.

Detroit Photo Co.

was one of the largest producers of postcards in the U.S. We have a list of over 300 of its Canadian (and U.S.-Canadian border area) postcards, accessible at the bottom of our Detroit Photo publisher page.

H. Enida Olive Co.

was a prolific publisher of Alberta postcards, if only for a brief period around 1912. Our late member Richard Parama (TPC #1256; 1948-2023) was a meticulous recorder of these wonderful postcards, which are a mainstay of Alberta postcard collections. We’re pleased to be able to share an updated version of Rick’s personal checklist, which records many variants and includes useful annotations. It’s accessible at the bottom of our H. Enida Olive publisher page.  

Valentine & Sons Ltd.

of Dundee was once Scotland’s most successful commercial photographer. In 1907, at the height of the postcard revolution, the photographs they published showed scenes from around the world. more …

Valentine & Sons Canadian Postcard List – May 2024

Warwick Bros. & Rutter Ltd.

published over 9,000 picture postcards during what is known as “The Golden Age of Postcards” (1901-1913). Although the firm was an Ontario based company, more …

For a detailed history and the most comprehensive listing ever made of Warwick Bros. & Rutter postcards, we  recommend Mike Smith’s bookThe Warwick Bros. & Rutter Picture Postcard Handbook 1903-1912, Second Edition.  Click on the link for ordering details.

One Comment

  1. George Schnitzer Jr.

    Is there a checklist for Canadian Post Card Company’s real photo exaggerated postcards taken from images by William H. Martin from Ottawa, Kansas, USA. I believe these cards were first released in 1910 and continued for some time. Any help would be appreciated.

    Thank you,

    George Schnitzer Jr.

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